20 Least Touristy Countries Of World

6. Eritrea, Africa

Getting visa for Eritrea visit is very tough for tourists. Basic ATM and internet services are severely lacking hence putting off visitors wanting to make a trip to the country  Visitors are not allowed to use their local transport for which they need a tourism permit for each place want to visit. The capital Asmara is heaven for Art Deco lovers and those not bringing their cameras will live to regret it.. The country is very diverse topographically and there are many other places one can visit, not least Massawa by the Red Sea, Dahlak Kebir the largest island off the Eritrean coast and the Emba Soira, the country’s highest point, soaring 10000 feet above sea level. Leaving the capital does however require a tourist permit which you can apply for at Ministry of Tourism in the main street.

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25 Least-Visited Countries Of The World