Can You Complete These Common Phrases?

Instead of conveying a literal meaning of something, the English language allows you to couch those words in idioms or phrases. Phrases whose words may look out of context to a literal description of things, actually lend it much more color, power and poignancy. If you are someone given to using phrases at the "drop of the hat", then this quiz is for you.

Honey is probably the only food that doesn't spoil. The magical essence of honey lies in its chemical properties. Being acidic in nature and having extremely low levels of moisture, bacteria and microorganisms find it difficult to survive in it. The first honey was found in Georgia 5000 years ago although there are cave paintings in Spain depicting man's connection to bees as long ago as in 6000 BC. Honey found thousands of years ago in crystallized forms just needs to be heated for it to be made edible. Raw honey has innumerable health benefits being a good source of proteins, vitamins, flavonoids and amino fatty acids apart from being good for cardiovascular health.

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