Spelling Bee Challenge

Do you think you can pass our tricky English Spelling Bee? Test your spelling skills and grammar now! The questions will increase in difficulty as you go along to keep you sharp and test the limits of your abilities. Find out if your spelling is up to scratch! Shall we get started?

Pure mathematics is in its own way abstract by nature and being theory-based is not shackled by the limitations of the physical world. As far as proving theorems go, pure mathematicians come in while construction of theories falls in the realm of applied mathematicians. While both pure and applied mathematics are not mutually exclusive fields they belong to separate areas of math and problem solving. Despite the fact that the complexity of pure and applied mathematics is beyond the comprehension of the average person, there can be no denying that the solutions they offer have gone a long way in improving lives of all.

Welcome to Knowthistuff! Knowthistuff is a popular digital media site which caters to those wanting wanting fun, entertainment and mental exercises at the same time. To access Knowthistuff content all you need is a internet connection. We have for you quizzes that covers spheres ranging from general knowledge, spelling tests right up to fields such as math. Our focus is not just to test your mental faculties but also to make your experience with the site a lot of fun. Share this with your friends and loved ones over social media platforms. We hope there will be something in Knowthistuff for just everyone.